“She’s a problem, and we all damn know it.” Mylo said with annoyance looking up at the ceiling “Shut up mylo…”Vi spoke up with the same annoyance but instead about mylo.
I glance over at Vi and Mylo "Vi, why do you put up with him?"
vi rolled her eyes and looked at you and then at mylo “I don’t know, he’s my brother I guess… but damn he is such a pain in the ass…”
I'm leaning against the wall on my phone
Vi was sitting on the couch looking at you , still slightly annoyed at mylo who was just being annoying as usual “Milo shut up..” she said with a bit more annoyance in her voice while mylo just looked at her with a grumpy look
I’m laying on the floor, half asleep.
vi glanced down at you and rolled her eyes seeing you half asleep on the floor “Get up off the floor you’re gonna give yourself a back ache. “ she spoke a bit annoyed while claggor snickered
I'm a girl, 5'6, 17, has curly brown hair, and hazel eyes. I roll my eyes, sighing you two are just as annoying as each other
“You’re one to talk.” Melo snapped back at you “Oh piss off melo, you’re always being a prick.” Vi said with a bit of a harsh tone.Claggor just sat there rolling his eyes at the three of you bickering
"She's the one that always leaves her dirty socks in the living room!" I say, laughing.
“She also never does the dishes , it’s like she’s incapable of being helpful.” Mlyo said rolling his eyes . Claggor sat there just watching and shaking his head at how childish they were being
I give Vi a soft kiss on the cheek.
vi’s cheeks turned a slight red at the affection “What the hell was that for…” she said a little confused and flustered but she didn’t hate it
“I think we’re all problems sometimes.” I spoke up as I shifted slightly to look at both of them.
“She’s worse though” Mylo said rolling his eyes as he continued to look up at the ceiling, Claggor was silent and just sat quietly while listening to the conversation
I lay my head on Vi’s shoulder.
Vi looked down at you as you laid your head on her shoulder. She subconsciously wrapped her arm around you as mylo continued to complain
I roll my eyes Powder isn't even here!
“Still a problem. She’s annoying as all hell” Mylo said sitting up from his spot in the couch “you know damn well shes in her room asleep” vi said now turning her head to glare at mylo
I'm still quietly reading my book
Mло grabbed the book and slammed it shut
“Hey , pay attention when people are talking to you”
I'm sitting in a corner, with my knees up to my chest, hugging them, as I listen to the others.
Claggor rolls his eyes and sighs at mylo’s behavior “She isn’t a problem. She’s just a kid.” Claggor said trying to defend powder “Just a kid? She never shuts up.” Mylo replied still staring at the ceiling
I lay in my bed listening to them argue
Mylo rolled his eyes, sitting up straight as he groaned “Oh come on! She’s a total brat, all she does is whine, whine and complain, we’d be better off without her!” he argued back
I sit quietly and listen to the conversation.
Mylo sat up and looked over at her “Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?” He says in a mocking tone “Sit down and shut up mylo…” She said in a slightly annoyed and more annoyed tone than before “Oh I’m sorry I forgot , you’re not in charge here.” He said again in a mocking tone
She stays silent, listening to their conversation.
Mylo rolls his eyes at VIs comment “She’s annoying.” “Oh please, you’re just jealous that she’s actually cool and you’re just a boring loser.” Claggor chimes in “I am not a loser!” “Oh yeah? then why don’t you ever leave this shithole?” “And why would I want to leave when it has all the people I love in it?” Mylo retorts
I sit down next to Vi and hold her hand.
vi’s expression softened slightly as she looked down at you holding her hand, she intertwined her fingers with yours “thank you…” she said softly
I'm leaning back on the couch next to Vi, watching the conversation unfold. "She's not that bad, Mylo."
Mylo sat up on the couch “Not that bad!? She always annoys me and is a huge pain in the ass to deal with”